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“Suga” Kaine is the founder, CEO and is currently the main/feature artist on the Bless Up Media Label. He is a multi-genre writer, producer, singer, rapper and performer from Long Island, New York. With decades of work and production experience in the media industry, (having owned, produced and aired radio shows, worked as an audio technician and music producer) “Suga” Kaine is an industry veteran although he has had little exposure in the public spotlight. With his extraordinary creative mind, “Suga” Kaine is actually the voice behind the first round of B.U.M. label artists.

Because of his creative versatility, he has many aliases and “aka’s” such as,

“Suga” Kaine:

The Chameleon, Flypolar, The MP (Multiple Personality), The Protean (Pro-Te-An: The ability to assume different forms/displaying great diversity or variety), The Creator & The OMC (One Man Crew) as well as others.

“Suga” Kaine also has profound spiritual, cultural and political beliefs that are the foundation of his life and the Bless Up Media corporate name and identity. Much of these views are expressed through the various types and styles of his art in hopes to plant positive and progressive mental/spiritual/cultural seeds that will make the world a better place. These are the innovations that make Bless Up Media a unique company and that will enable us to become a successful, international media pillar. We hope that you can join and support us on this wonderful journey!

Bless Up!


Vision of Beauty: Manteen featuring “Suga” Kaine


Copyright: Bless Up Media LLC 2017-2018. Any duplication of this websites content is prohibited.
Copyright: Bless Up Media LLC 2017-2018. Any duplication of this websites content is prohibited.